Infographics and illustration are especially useful for explaining complex energy issues and to visualize technologies that are still in development. By illustrating new technologies, an organization can demonstrate features and benefits without having to be too literal.
Power Grid of the Future: The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA is the organization that represents the interests of cooperative electric utilities and their consumers. The Power Grid of the Future highlights an array of technologies and potential energy generation available to their members someday. This infographic also shows the interconnectivity of all the energies (old and new) working together.

Technology mini-site

Fracking infographic for Harvard Magazine

Cow manure to fuel for Popular Mechanics Magazine

Groundwater infographic for Clean Wisconsin for use in public relations and awareness

Carbon Sequestration for Harvard Magazine

Waste to energy infographic for sales presentation to food industry. By using tax credits and other financial incentives a company can expand and grow by installing a digester that turns their waste into fuel and electricity. This infographic visualized that scenario.

Electricity and coal issue infographics for mini site.